
Alternative Photography Workshops

Chemigram, Chemi Lumen + Plant Developers – Saturdays 23 Nov. or 14 Dec.
With Sayako Sugawara

About the Workshop: A day of experimentation and learning as an introduction to a more sustainable approach to photographic image making in a small group setting. In addition to the Chemigram process using plant developers, in this whole day session you will get to experiment with the Chemi/Cyanolumen and Phytogram process.

Chemigram Process: The Chemigram process occupies a space somewhere between painting and photography. Discover how to work with chance and observation to create unexpected and magical images using everyday household materials such as honey, butter or oil in combination with light sensitive photographic paper. The approach to image making can be as minimal or as intricate as you like.

Plant Developers: In this workshop we will be using plant developers which is less toxic and more sustainable than ordinary photographic developers. You will be introduced to the thinking behind this approach and how to make the plant developers from everyday plant material..

Workshop Structure: The first part of the workshop will introduce you to each technique with examples of artists’ works. The second part of the session you can spend time working with the process or processes of your choice in your chosen speed. Group and individual support is given throughout the workshop.

10:30 – 1:00 Introduction to the day. Starting with history and artists’ examples on Chemigram and other hybrid processes and Plant developers . This is followed by demonstrations and participants’ practical activity.

1:00 – 1:30 Lunch

1:35 – Recap and review from the morning session.

1:45pm – 4pm Participants’ practical activity.

4:00 – 4:30 Group Review

All materials including seasonal garden plants, photographic paper and chemistry is provided. However, feel free to bring your own materials such as plants, textured materials and exposed/expired photographic paper.

If you prefer to wear an apron please bring one along with you.

To book:
Saturday 23 November
Saturday 14 December

About: Sayako Sugawara is a London based Japanese artist working with a variety of photographic processes, moving image and installations. Please visit the artist’s website to learn more.

London Open House

London Open House – 21st Sept.

We are participating in London Open House Festival again this year, giving guided tours of our beautiful Arthouse on Saturday 21st September.

We’ll focus on the history and architecture of the building, the former Deptford Central Library, which has a particular significance as one of the first purpose-built open access libraries. We will be giving tours from 10am to 6pm. We will also display archive material in our Workshop Space. Looking forward to seeing you!

Open House Festival

16th September 2023, 10am – 6pm

The Lewisham Arthouse building – the Grade II listed former Deptford Library will be open during the Open House Festival, for a full day of guided tours and a small archival display on Saturday 16th September only. Please see the Open City website for more details.

If you miss this event, the building will also be open for the annual Open Studios event on 31st September – 1st October.

Step free access to ground floor – please see our access information for more details (scroll down)

Lewisham Arthouse
140 Lewisham Way
London SE14 6PD

Open Studio 2023

31st – 1st October 2023, 12-6pm

We are opening our doors for our annual open studios, where you can explore the building, meet the artists, and buy art at affordable prices.

There will be a pop-up cafe with homemade cakes, guided tours, a children’s art trail, and artists’ workshops in ‘Edible Bread Painting’, ‘Patch-up Printing’, Comic Making and more.

Lewisham Arthouse supports over 40 artists, as well as arts-based learning, through creative workspace and specialist facilities. We run a varied exhibition and events programme of visual art and live performance.

Open 12-6pm Saturday and Sunday
Free entry

Step free access to ground floor – please see our access information for more details (scroll down)

Lewisham Arthouse
140 Lewisham Way
London SE14 6PD

Open Studios 2022

24th – 25th September 2022, 12-6pm

Explore artists studios, meet the artists, buy art at affordable prices or just have a look around at our Grade II listed historic building.

Lewisham Arthouse supports over 40 artists, as well as arts-based learning, through creative workspace and specialist facilities. We run a varied exhibition and events programme of visual art and live performance. This echoes the original intentions of the Carnegie library building we occupy – to enrich communities by nurturing their creativity.

Open 12-6pm Saturday and Sunday
Free entry
Café with homemade food
Free guided tours daily at 2pm and 4pm (meet in the entrance hall)
Live performances
Childrens’ art trail
Step free access to ground floor – please see our access information for more details (scroll down)

Lewisham Arthouse
140 Lewisham Way
London SE14 6PD

Easter Making Works

April 2022

During the Easter school holidays, we have been running workshops on housing estates accross Lewisham on behalf of Clarion Housing. Children on Orchard Gardens, Newstead and Leybridge Estates were given opportunities to experiment with new materials and techniques and make artworks which they took home to play with or use, making wings and wall hangings, and printing their own t-shirts. Thanks to artists Joana, Ruth, Leonie, Natasha, Ben and Ellie for facilitating the workshops.

To see all the fabulous things the children produced check out the blog and tumblr


Making Works Workshops

February 2022

‘Opening Up’ was part of the communal experience for summer 2021, and the Lewisham Arthouse outreach workshops once again provided the opportunity for local children and families to make art by looking, drawing, building, sculpting and lots more. We are so grateful our artists get to provide these arts and crafts events that bring the joy of art making to our South East London community.

Making Works are a series of hands on practical arts workshops for children and young people living on three local estates – Leybridge estate, Royal Road and Newstead. The workshops are part of the Lewisham Arthouse’s Education and Outreach Programme. The workshops focus on the use of recycled materials in constructive ways, develop children’s confidence in using power tools, problem solving skills and creative thinking, as well as their ability to work in a team in a fun and engaging way, using art to reclaim the green spaces with an interactive family activity.

The Making Works workshops started at Leybridge Estate in Lee back in July 2014, and have run about 10 weekly sessions each year, pretty much until the pandemic started. Since its inception, the workshop has been led by the highly experienced Artist Educator Laura X Carlé, along with support from other artists from the Lewisham Arthouse, and was led by another highly capable artist from the Arthouse, Ruth Beale, during Laura’s maternity leave.

For 2021, the project run 4 long sessions across the three estates. These included an arts and crafts summer events using the theme ‘Opening Up’ . The children were able to collaborate in creating an ever-growing art installation, with each child using paint or collage on a white cardboard box. The boxes were then attached together and piled up into an evolving puzzle. Later the children were able to take their own creations home, with some using it as decorated storage or as a diorama. 

Following ‘Opening Up’, the next workshop theme was “We Are Here!”, the children created a silhouette or drawing of themselves using paint, markers or collage on a large piece of cardboard. The figures were attached to the fence of the houses, secured with bamboo sticks or leaning on walls. After finishing the silhouettes there was a time for reflection, before the figures were arranged in different theatrical positions. This event also ended with the children getting to take their own creations home.

Over the years these events have really benefited the families and children. They have been very enthusiastic about taking part, the parents like that the children can be outside engaged in an activity visible to all and one which involves clearly working together. It’s been really fantastic to see the green spaces used positively by empowering the residents to take control of their community environment, reclaiming outside areas for fun family activities. The workshops show art promotes a sense of belonging, fostering empowerment though having influence over spaces – suggesting the possibility of further improving the environment, fighting against helplessness and increasing community wellbeing. The children like that they get to take home their wonderful creations, and gain art skills through the process!

For the Lewisham Art House artists these workshops give the chance to help the wider community in South East London. The workshops help reflect upon the lived experiences by underrepresented groups, using art to encourage and promote equality, diversity and inclusion.

The Lewisham Arthouse artists have been so pleased that the Making Works workshops went through the process of “Opening Up’ in 2021, so we can continue to support our community and spread the joy that art can bring.

To see all the fabulous things the children produced in this and previous years check out the blog and tumblr


Interview with Sam Petherbridge

October 2021

Artist, educator and Arthouse member Sam Petherbridge talks to us about his experience running ‘Art On Your Sleeve’ art classes for young people aged between 8-13 and the tricky transition to teaching online. He shares some tips with us below…

Could you tell us a bit about Art On Your Sleeve?

I wanted to start classes at the Arthouse because there are so many materials, techniques and lessons that students are not offered in school. I was buzzing with ideas and so were the students. We’d begin each term sharing our desires, thoughts and feelings, then jump into a term of arty activities. Classes would vary each week. One week I would be making ambitious still lives for the students to work from, then other weeks we’d doing embroidery, stop-start animations or collaborative drawing. I was determined to change it up every time. Art on Your Sleeve, gradually became an excuse to be creative with a collective of young people who lived locally. We were like a family – I miss them all.

Art On Your Sleeve – In the Studio

How did you and the students adapt to moving the classes online during the pandemic?

It was a bit of shock at first but we quickly learnt how to adapt. We learnt that we could find ways to be creative at home and didn’t really need paint or anything commonly associated to the practice – so the limitations taught me and students to think outside the box. We created zoom animations and used our personal environments to create work that we wouldn’t normally be able to in the workshop space. The only unfortunate aspect, was that I was unable to see the students’ work develop over time. It was an eye-opening experience for us all!

Art On Your Sleeve – Online

Do you have three top tips for others offering online art education classes?

Although I no longer run Art on Your Sleeve, I have continued to work for the Saturday Club at Ravensbourne University. For several months we have continued to work online and the experience I received from the Arthouse has been incredibly beneficial.

1. Working at home is a very different experience from working in the studio, but it is often a common experience for many artists living in an expensive city like London. So the experience is useful. A home can always be a resource for inspiration and each home can tell us more about the artist who inhabits it. Invite your students to find creative ways to use the space they have and share in the session what makes it different or the same to others. Give them the freedom to step away from the screen because no one enjoys being in front of the screen for so long. Flip what we would normally see as a limitation and make it an opportunity to learn more about each other.

2. Padlet is a useful tool for students to upload their work and for the facilitator to share resources. I’d often create a write up for the class for students to look back at if they are having trouble understanding. The write up would be in the same format each week, colour coded and with plenty of imagery. If a student is unable to attend the session, they are always welcome to log in to Padlet, read the write up and do the work in their own time.

3. Don’t assume that every student has paint, brushes or even paper. Get creative with the ways we can make marks, build and play. Land Art is a perfect example of ways we can make art with the environment around us and it invites students to step outside and dive deeper into their surroundings.

Does inspiring and teaching the students have benefits for your own art practice?

I don’t think I would be making as much as I do if it weren’t for teaching. I’ve always had a thirst to learn about new materials and techniques. So teaching is really an excuse to learn more and to share it.

Could you explain your work in bookbinding and marbling?

I’ve always made books as a practical way to use up paper waste that accumulates in my working space. During the pandemic, I was given a good push from friends to start making a small business as a book binder and fortunately it has grown into a consistent form of income. My company is called Bōk Bindery and it’s currently running only on instagram. It never bores me. The process of marbling, bookbinding and paper making is endless, plus it’s useful! We forget to write, to draw or to record our thoughts, feelings or our ideas and a book is a great way to archive this. Technology has killed the romance of writing and mark making, it’s time that we pick up a book again and fill the pages.

Bōk Bindery – Commissions

Bōk Bindery – Teaching Suminagashi

What else do you have coming up?

Big question! I will be marbling on fabric soon and collaborating with Elle Bras to design a line of lingerie. I will hopefully be running more classes in marbling, suminagashi and bookbinding at the Arthouse because it’s been a while since I’ve really made a mess in the space we have there. I’m still quietly drawing away and finding ways to build my bookbinding practice into my artwork. I will continue to teach at Ravensbourne University for the Saturday Club. Hopefully I will also get more opportunity to collaborate with Lewisham artists. There is nothing I enjoy more that working with other people, so fingers crossed!

For more information about Sam Petherbridge check out some the following –

Top image by Bōk Bindery – Book Binding at Brainchild Festival
Bōk Bindery Instagram Page
Artist Website

Interview – what is prison abolition?

14th July 2021

The prison abolition reading group is hosted by Lewisham Arthouse as part of our public education programme, using a format and reading list set up by Abolitionist Futures. It is initiated by Ruth Beale as a member of the Lewisham Arthouse cooperative’s Education group. Arthouse member Richard Parry asked Ruth some questions about the group:

So, Ruth, please can you tell us about the reading group and explain some of the key terms?

The reading group is a chance to learn and think together about prison abolition. Abolition is a movement which says that prisons are not benefitting society: it’s not about closing prisons tomorrow, but about examining the systems we have and reimagining a world that doesn’t need prisons. This intersects with radical, anti-racist and feminist work, and has frictions with political ideologies of the left and right. So these are big, sometimes challenging ideas, and which are great to discuss and explore with other people.

Abolitionist Futures is a group of activists who have put together a fantastic reading list and structure to hold a reading group – so we are using this list and format to host the group.

Why did you want to facilitate the reading group with Lewisham Arthouse?

I did a project with Mansions of the Future in 2019/2020 where I worked with prisoners at HMP Lincoln to make a sci fi radio drama. It was my first experience of the prison system and a huge learning curve. At the end of the project in September last year, I held an event with John Bowden from Prisoner Solidarity Network and Criminologist Lisa White, where we talked about incarceration, power and the state. I came away wanting to learn more about abolitionist ideas.

Being in lockdown in the winter seemed like a great opportunity to start a reading group online, as part of Lewisham Arthouse’s public programme. As members of the cooperative, we encourage and support each other to initiate things which benefit and interest our communities in Lewisham and beyond. Thinking of our geography – in London there are currently 8 prisons, including a complex of 3 prisons in Thamesmead in our neighbouring borough of Greenwich. It has also of course been a time of calls to defund the police, in the wake of police violence and the Black Lives Matter movement. I thought it could be a chance to educate myself and have this dialogue with other people who are interested in it.

Who has been coming? What had the group been like?

Some people have come to all sessions and some have come just for one or two – some are based in South East London, some are Arthouse artist members, and some from across the UK and even Switzerland and Sweden. People have come to the group with different knowledges and experiences but none of us are experts – I think there has been a really good sense of arriving with an open mind, of unlocking things and listening to what other people have to say.

What role do prisons serve? Please could you respond to the possibility of a prison preventing more harm than it embodies?
I think you’re asking if prisons prevent harm by removing and rehabilitating prisoners? But also referring to the possibility that they do harm through traumatic, dehumanizing conditions. Speaking for myself, I think prisons are modelled on several ideas: punishment (through the removal of liberty and becoming powerless, but also in practical terms of making people suffer through poor environments, food, and punitive measures, as well as things like taking away voting rights), protection (with the idea of removing dangerous people from society) penance (paying for what you have done) and rehabilitation/reform (the idea that prisoners will change then rejoin society). I personally think all of these ideas are very muddled in the British psyche, and we have to interrogate where they have come from – enlightenment ideas about freedom; Protestant Christian ideas; Victorian ideas about class and criminal classes; how the state serves capitalism.

One of the sessions was about reform Vs abolition – the idea that well-meaning reform (often led by liberals) can actually strengthen the prison system rather than weaken it. I found a comparison with mental health institutions very interesting – people with learning disabilities, genetic disorders and mental health problems used to be institutionalised, often in horrific circumstances. But now we recognise this as cruel and wrong. Are prisons really the best place to send people struggling with addiction for example?

What other disciplines and activist movements does prison abolitionism draw from?

The big movement which prison abolition developed from was the black feminist tradition in the USA: women literally looking at the incarceration of their sons, husbands, brothers and saying ‘this is not right’. And that itself came out of the civil rights movement, taking emancipatory forms of social organisation to end violence. We listened to a podcast by Ruth Wilson Gilmore, a really key figure in the movement, who writes and talks about “abolishing the conditions under which prison became the solution to problems.”

Have you encountered any interesting disagreements or misconceptions within the group?

We’ve been aware of the number of US-related resources, although there are UK resources too. It can be a challenge to make that leap to think about the UK context, but there are links – racism and classism also define the system here. I think we’ve also felt a tension about the jump between the theory and how we see it working in practice. The session on transformative justice was particularly interesting to me – this is difficult work fraught with its own challenges. How could we make this fair and compassionate? How might people devote the time and skills to these processes? How would we ensure that this won’t enable harmful behavior in the community?

How do you regard the police personally? Are there any good police officers?

Something thing we talked about in one of the groups was the idea of safety – that police are there to make us ‘safe’. But this is not true for many marginalised people. So I have to check my privilege, given that my identity and socialisation as white woman means I have not had a lot of interaction with the police in my life. I also know a few people who work on the police, including people I went to school with, and think they come from a place of wanting to do something positive, of civic duty – and what they do is complex and difficult. They do all sorts of social work they shouldn’t be doing and are not trained and equipped to do. At the same time, I think the police dehumanises people who serve in it, there is systemic racism made evident in many ways including Stop and Search, and there are frightening moves to shift power to the police away from people through the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts bill… So yeah, someone might be a moral person, or good at their job, but the problem is systemic.

Should we view the culture industry through the lens of prison abolition?

That’s not something we’ve looked at specifically, but we did read about ‘industrial complexes’ – this is the idea that under neoliberal capitalism, businesses become entwined in the social or political institutions. So the privatised prison system has become a self-sustaining prison industrial complex, where prison expansion becomes a self serving process, of profit for contractors, rather than based on what is good for society. If we are to consider the culture industry as an industrial complex, then we should look arts funding, sponsorship and the market. Also in a bigger way, we need to question what/who defines art/culture, and who it serves.

What’s coming up?

There are two sessions left in the series, and the subject matter relates very much to the current situation and local and global events in the past 18 months – on 22nd July we will look at Abolitionist Mutual Aid and Responses to COVID-19. The last session on 26th August will look at Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police. All the reading materials are free and available online and everyone is welcome to join.

Click here to book through eventbrite.

Thursday 22nd July, 6.30-8pm – Abolitionist Mutual Aid & Responses to Covid-19
Thursday 26th August, 6.30-8pm – Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police

Prison Abolition Reading Group

April-August 2021

Members of Lewisham Arthouse are leading a monthly online reading group on prison abolition, using a reading list put together by Abolitionist Futures.

Not sure what prison abolition is? Wondering if it’s a good idea? Or how it connects to ideas of social justice?

Recently, there are been a huge uptake in interest in abolitionist ideas. More and more people are questioning whether prisons are the best response to harms in society and whether the police actually function to bring about a safer society. Some people are worried that defunding and prison abolition sounds like immediate closures. Instead we might ask – how might we need to alter our thinking, practices and social institutions to build a world without prisons and policing?

Prison abolition has long and diverse tradition of thinking and organising around these questions. Abolition has been influenced by the radical black tradition, indigenous organising, marxist and anarchist ideas, queer and feminist analysis. And at their most successful, abolitionist principles embed themselves within all political struggles: disability activism, housing and welfare campaigns, feminist organising, environmental justice, anti-war and anti-border struggles to name a few.

In London there are currently 8 prisons, including a complex of 3 prisons in Thamesmead in our neighbouring borough of Greenwich. They are largely invisible to most of us – “out of sight out of mind”.

In six monthly meetings, we will follow a reading list set out by Abolitionist Futures, a collaboration of community organisers and activists in Britain and Ireland. The selected readings are short and accessible and will be shared online in advance. They will introduce you to ideas via introductory texts, podcasts and videos chosen to offer a variety of perspectives and to cover some key concepts and themes. Using questions and prompts, we will think about how lessons learned in other contexts might be useful in thinking about the UK situation.

This reading group is free and open to all, no previous knowlege of the subject is necessary. The meetings will take place on Zoom until further notice.
The full reading list can be found here: www.abolitionistfutures.com/reading-lists

Click here to book through eventbrite.

6.30-8pm on the last Thursday of every month.
Thursday 25th March – Intro to Abolition
Thursday 29th April – What’s Wrong With Reform?
Thursday 27th May – Feminist, Queer, Anti-racist Abolition
Thursday 24th June – Transformative Justice
Thursday 22nd July – Abolitionist Mutual Aid & responses to Covid-19 (please note new date)
Thursday 26th August – Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police

Art Thursdays

June 2020 – December 2021

Head over to our instagram for weekly creative activities, inspired by the work of Lewisham Arthouse studio artists. From bird boxes using junk modelling, to drawing and photography. Tag yourself with #artthursday and #lewishamarthouse and show us your creations!

End of the World Pub Quiz

24th March 2020

*Unfortunately due to current Covid-19 containment measures, this event and all other Telegraph Hill Festival related events have been cancelled.*

Taking a creative twist on the traditional Pub Quiz, teams will use dark humour to overcome dark times: from climate crisis, to zombie attacks, to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, we’ll move through popular science, history, art, fiction and mythology to think in new ways about the state of the planet, global security, its history and future.

The quiz will include a music round, picture round, art making task, and accessible questions to get us all thinking about current, historical, and future threats to the existence of life, the planet and beyond.

Teams of up to 6 people please, £3 per person. Prizes to be won!

Part of the Telegraph Hill Festival. Tickets can be booked here

Courses and Workshops

Courses and workshops
September 2019-20

Did you know that a number of our members run workshops? Don’t miss your opportunity to join in. Courses are aimed at a range of age groups and levels of ability. We also have open access facilities, such as an analogue darkroom and a Kiln for hire.

For more info please click here

Artist Workshops with Luca Bosani & Séamus McCormack

13th July 2019 11am-1pm

Experimenting with Performance, 2-4pm

Rhythms is a participatory workshop led by artist Luca Bosani focusing on performance making and rhythm. Through the introduction to three primary elements – repetition, stillness and inconsistency – the participants are invited to experiment with different performance rhythms, in collaboration and individually.

Peer Support Workshop, 4-6pm

Exhibition curator Séamus McCormack will lead an artist-led peer support workshop on ways of discussing and supporting practice. This participatory session consists of various exercises and will look at self-positioning, reflection and feedback on direction.

Aimed at emerging artists and students, it is advised toattend both sessions, but you can also only attend one.

Programmed in conjunction with Rain Wetting Thirst, at Lewisham Arthouse

Workshop Leader Bios:

Luca Bosani is an artist based in London. Solo exhibitions and performances include: ‘Too Early to Love You, Too Late to Kiss You’, Tate Britain, London, 2019; ‘Knaves of Radiance (paintings)’ Kensington and Chelsea Town Hall, London 2019; ‘Knaves of Radiance (Bolan edition)’, London, 2018; ‘Performing the unknown’, Hortensia gallery, KCC College, London, 2018. Group exhibitions include: ‘Singolar Tenzone II’, Kunstraum, London, 2019; ‘Score!’, Beaconsfield Gallery, London, 2019; ‘Singolar Tenzone’, OXO tower, London, 2018; ‘Knaves of Radiance (Bang Bang)’, Gallery 46, London, 2018; ‘Knaves of Radiance (The Bipotential stage)’, Subsidiary Projects, London, 2018; ‘Revolve Performance Art Festival’, Uppsala Konstmuseum, 2017; ‘Liberté d’action’, L’Amour, Paris, 2017; ‘Being alone together’, Crown Building, Liverpool, 2017. www.lucabosani.com
Séamus McCormack is a curator based in London. Curated projects include: ‘Scaffold’, Bomb Factory; ‘Rain Wetting Thirst’, Lewisham ArtHouse; ‘Jealous Wall’, Luan Gallery, Athlone; ‘SausageFest’, ArtBox, Dublin; ‘Traces’, IMMA, Dublin; ‘Roadkill’, IMMA, Dublin. Séamus was co-curator of both ‘Mobile Encounters’ and ‘Primal Architecture’, IMMA, Dublin. He currently works with New Contemporaries and was previously at the Whitechapel Gallery, London, and the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA). He has written on the work of a wide range of artists, including Haroon Mirza, Leonora Carrington, Wolfgang Tillmans, Paul Sharits, Jonas Lund, Ulla Wiggen, Christopher Williams, Janine Davidson, Elaine Leader and Jennifer Brady. www.seamusmccormack.com

To book a place via eventbrite please click here

The Thinkery


30-31st March 2019

In Ancient Greece a symposium was
a drinking party, but it was also a
‘thinking party’, a time to get together
and discuss interesting thoughts and
ideas. Like food and drink,
fun discussion of different opinions
was a form of art and play.
Come and be part of our Thinking Party.
We will munch upon
strange questions about what things
are real, what they are, and how we
can know about anything at all!
These are questions
for anyone and everyone

Children’s Thinkery
Sat 30 March, 12-1pm
Telegraph Hill Centre
(6-12yrs. Accompanied by an adult)
£2, book here

Adults’ Thinkery
Sun 31st March, 5-6.30pm
The Hill Station
Free, no booking needed.

Flower Power: a winter blooms

Flower Power: winter blooms

15th December 2018, 4-7pm

A free drop in Christmas wreath making session for you and your family with a special winter punch to warm you on your way!

Join and make a few floral little extras to bring light to your home through winter, learn some of the old Christmas traditions that unite home and hearth with our Winter gardens.

Open to all, please feel welcome!

Drop in (first come, first served)
4-7pm, Saturday 15th December 2018
Lewisham Arthouse
140 Lewisham Way, SE146PD

Free fun for all the family
Children must be accompanied by an adult
With many thanks to Brockley Assembly for supporting this event.

‘Flower Power’ provided a popular series of nature-based seasonal events,
exploring different elements of nature and art and appealing to a wide range of audiences. The initiative will continue with further funding being sought, and future summer sketch crawls in Brockley’s community gardens, a ‘Flower Power’ legacy designed to become a regular feature on the local arts calendar.

Flower Power: Trick or Treat Halloween Special

HalloweenA fun afternoon carving pumpkins
Photo credit: Elise Rose

On Saturday 27 October Lewisham Arthouse turned into a Halloween themed, pumpkin carving hot spot where families dropped in to create their very own scary lanterns just in time for the holiday.

Over 30+ children came along on the day, joined by artist facilitators and their guardians to design and carve out a picture of their choice. Taking inspiration from the spooky imagery on hand the group quickly got stuck into making the most of being welcomed to make a creative mess!

In addition to their lanterns, each pumpkin carver left with an early treat bag and in an effort to promote minimal waste and home growing – a pouch of their pumpkins seeds with instructions describing how to plant them in their gardens next year.

The activity was part of Lewisham Arthouse’s Flower Power programme, kindly supported by Brockley Assembly and developed in partnership with a number of local community gardens. The initiative ran throughout 2018, aiming to promote awareness and community care for the environment in engaging and creative ways.

Flower Power: Halloween

FLOWER POWER halloween27th October 4-6pm

Lewisham Arthouse is getting spooky this October with a FREE, halloween themed Flower Power FAMILY ACTIVITY. Drop in on Saturday 27 October (4-6pm) to design and carve your very own pumpkin lantern just in time for the scary season!

Help will be on hand as will a variety of pumpkins, tools, arts materials and inspiration. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Designers of all ages will leave with a scary pumpkin lantern as well as their seeds and instructions on how to plant them next Spring!

Facilitated by members of Lewisham Arthouse with many thanks to Brockley Assembly. The ‘Halloween Special’ is the final instalment of our Flower Power community initiative that has been exploring green spaces and care for the environment through the arts this Summer.

Open to all, please feel welcome!

Drop in (first come, first served)
4-6pm, Saturday 27 October 2018
Lewisham Arthouse
140 Lewisham Way, SE146PD

Free fun for all the family
Children must be accompanied by an adult
With many thanks to Brockley Assembly

Making Works 2018

Making work
Every Tuesdays 4-6pm

Making Works 2018

Leybridge Estate and Lee Green Lives

Creative drop in workshops on the grass at the Leybridge Estate
Tuesday 11th Sept – 4-6pm
Tuesday 18th Sept – 4-6pm
Tuesday 25th Sept – 4-6pm
Tuesday 2nd Oct – 4-6pm

Special event
Saturday 6th Oct- 2-5pm

Skills-based Masterclasses at Lee Green Lives community centre
Tuesday 16th Oct – 4-6pm, Lee Green Lives
Tuesday 23th Oct – 4-6pm, Lee Green Lives
Tuesday 30th Oct – 4-6pm, Lee Green Lives
Tuesday 6th Nov -4-6pm, Lee Green Lives

We are delighted to announce that we have been commissioned for the fifth year running to deliver Making Works workshops for young people on the Leybridge Estate in Lewisham. These workshops are funded by Clarion Housing and run by professional artists from Lewisham Arthouse.

Making Works creative workshops are open to all children and young people living at the estate, as well as their parents, on a drop-in basis. This year we will introduce a range of crafts and artforms, with painting, woodworking, fabric & sewing, paper & collage to produce costumes, hats, masks, theatre backdrops, banners, toys and sculptures.

This year, in addition to the usual outdoor workshops, we are organising 4 special indoor Masterclasses at Lee Green Lives community centre. The outdoor sessions will foster working on ‘big ideas’, whilst the indoors sessions will focus on new skills and individual projects.

The workshops are free and open to all. Call or text 07789 362 069 for more information, or follow us on Instagram: @Making Works.

Flower Power 4

Drawing Flowers & Plants1st September 2-4pm

Come join the fourth in our series of workshops exploring local community gardens through the arts.
Drawing Flowers and Plants is a Saturday drop-in with artist Anita Gwynn on 1st September 2-4pm.
We will be using drawing and watercolour to observe flowers & plants in the beautiful Heston Gardens. All ages welcome.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

1st September
Meet at 2pm at Lewisham Art House
140 Lewisham way
SE14 6PD

FLOWER POWER is a series of Lewisham Arthouse – art events, focusing on local community gardens and care for our environment.

Flower power

Flower power21 July 2018 2-4 pm

Join another of our free drop in workshops on Saturday, Experience art through play in this fabulous open air workshop, making enormous cardboard flowers and giant monster plants with Arthouse members, Laura X Carle and Alma Tischlerwood.

FLOWER POWER is a series of Lewisham Arthouse – art events, focusing on local community gardens and care for our environment.

Make Friendly Giant Flowers in Friendly Gardens
69 Ashmead Rd, London SE8 4DY
Entrances: Lucas St, Oscar St or Friendly St

Saturday, 21 July 2018
2 – 4 pm
Children must be accompanied by an adult
Flower Power is kindly supported by Brockley Assembly.

Flower power still going

14th July 2018 2-4pm

FLOWER POWER is a series of free art events throughout the summer, brought to you by Lewisham Arthouse in the Brockley area.
Our first three workshops have already taken place from making fantastic street clay ornaments to wake up Rokeby Road, and for making a mark with the local community to building dens and tunnels animals live in during a free W/e workshop in Luxmore Gardens. In total we already had over one hundred participants of all ages.
The FLOWER POWER project is designed to kick start an on-going process
of art based social engagement and care for our
environment, addressing complex issues surrounding the relationship between
communities and their local environments.

Join our next free drop in event STILL LIFE | Nature Morte – painting: Saturday, 14 July 2 – 4pm in Breakspears Community Gardens located on Breakspears Mews, just off Ashby Rd SE4 1UW for all ages – Children must be accompanied by an adult

Flower Power is kindly supported by Brockley Assembly, conceived and curated by Arthouse members, Alma Tischlerwood and Heather Steed .


Flower power continues

16-17th June 2018

Here are a few picture of the event run by Lewisham Arthouse’s Laura Ximena Carlé. Thank you to everyone who attended.

FLOWER POWER is a series of free art events throughout the summer, brought to you by Lewisham Arthouse in the Brockley area.
Our first three workshops have already taken place from making fantastic street clay ornaments to wake up Rokeby Road, and for making a mark with the local community to building dens and tunnels animals live in during a free W/e workshop in Luxmore Gardens. In total we already had over one hundred participants of all ages.
The FLOWER POWER project is designed to kick start an on-going process
of art based social engagement and care for our
environment, addressing complex issues surrounding the relationship between
communities and their local environments.

Flower Power is proving very successful in numbers of people engaged of all ages, and fruitful in terms of creativity, community engagement, and new community links.

The project has introduced and encouraged members of the local community to use green spaces. New collaborations have been formed between artists and community leaders which have already inspired a legacy of related collaborative workshops at events in local community gardens.

Flower power

29th May 2018

Flower Power

Thanks to all of the 35 participants who braved the rain and made it to our first drop-in FLOWER POWER workshop, with ceramicist, Shirley Stewart
We hope you enjoyed getting your hands ‘clayed-up’ – for creating fantastic street ornaments to wake up Rokeby Road, and for making a mark with the local community.

Not only women only

Not only women only

Not only women only

Not only women only

Not only women only
21th March 2018

[toggle]Image credits Sophie le Roux[/toggle]

[toggle]Image credits Alma Tischer Wood[/toggle]

On a Wednesday night in March The Telegraph at the Earl of Derby hosted Lewisham Arthouse’s Not Only Women Only PUB QUIZ as part of the grassroots Telegraph Hill Festival. The event attracted over 60 participants from across the borough and beyond, bringing people together to test their knowledge of the ‘second sex’ 100 years since the Representation of the People Act. Raising money to support Sisters Uncut, a direct action group campaigning to end all domestic and gender based violence.

The evening was hosted by artists Sophie Chapman and Kerri Jefferis who devised the format with fellow Arthouse member Fanny Aboulker. On the evening, participants were guided through four energetic rounds which covered herstories, culture, labour and sexy bodies aka the explicit round. In a packed out backroom of the pub seven teams comprised of both friends and strangers battled it out for a fantastic selection of art prizes all donated by Arthouse members and their networks.

The atmosphere was loud, silly and at times confusing. Many commenting afterwards that they had ‘learnt and laughed a lot’ and that it was ‘a great way to spend a Wednesday night!’ We are pleased to report that the event successfully raised nearly £200 for Sisters Uncut and although not everyone was a winner – the prizes did end up split across different teams.

Some people bagged a weekend ticket to visit A Women’s Place project at Knole House, others took home some fantastic comics by Heather Steed, postcards notated by curator Alexandra Kokoli or received vouchers to join a tapestry workshop with Fanny Aboulker or a colour lesson with Alma Tischlerwood. Other prizes included a massage with Serena Morgan Therapy, an original print on cotton by Arthouse artist Raju Rage, ceramic work by Shirley Stewart and other fantastic artworks and publications by Rosalie Schweiker, Ruth Beale, Sara Willet or natural, handmade products by Iza.

However, the absolute final winner on the night, facing tough competition during tie-breaker karaoke managed to bring home a membership to OMGyes.com (kindly purchased by Lewisham Arthouse).

All in all a great night celebrating wimmins and the first time the Lewisham Arthouse has contributed to the local festival programme. The Telegraph Hill Festival organisers commented that they had received great feedback from participants and were very thankful of the novel idea and the fun, reshaping of the quiz format.

Sophie and Kerri want to thank everyone who donated, participated and helped make it happen.

Lewisham Arthouse members host, contribute and facilitate a number of local, creative educational initiatives throughout the year. You can find out more on the website here. For more information about the quiz, see here.

Courses and Workshops

Courses and Workshops September 2017-18

September 2017-18

Did you know that a number of our members run workshops? Don’t miss your opportunity to join in. Courses are aimed at a range of age groups and levels of ability. We also have open access facilities, such as an analogue darkroom and a Kiln for hire. Check out our Learning_ and Hire pages for more details.

Making Works: Leybridge Estate

Leybridge Estate
July – October 2017

We’re in our fourth year working with the residents of Leybridge Estate. Sadly we had to say goodbye to Laura X Carlé who led the project from its inception with our partner Affinity Sutton. This year the project was placed in the capable hands of artist Ruth Beale. Ruth and our members had a terrific time with the kids; looking, drawing, building, sculpting and lots more. Check out our blog to see all the fabulous things they produced.


PLAY/Make – a celebration of making


19th – 23rd April 2017

Lewisham Art House is delighted to invite you to PLAY/MAKE – an exciting, interactive exhibition that celebrates the long tradition of running and hosting learning projects at the Arthouse. It will show-case the wide and varied programmes we support, including musical events, adult classes, film evenings, children’s art lab, ceramics, mo-saics, printing, life drawing, photography and painting as well as the popular Graduate and Curatorial Awards that we run.

This exhibition also profiles our outreach work at local schools and estates, such as the “Making Works”, sponsored by Affinity Sutton, Lewisham People’s Day, Deptford X and our events at major London galleries, including the Tate Modern and The South Bank Centre.

Come along and try one of our free taster workshops on Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd April 2 – 5 pm – there will be something for everyone !

Private View
Wednesday 19th April 2017 6pm – 9pm

Exhibition runs:
19th – 23rd April 2017
Open Wednesday to Sunday 12-6 pm

Free entry
Step-free access

Open House London 2017

thumbnail_OH button

Sunday 17th September, 2017

Lewisham Arthouse will be participating in this year’s Open House London. A free weekend event for Londoners to explore behind the closed doors of some of the capital’s biggest, most renowned and most secret venues for free in September 2017.

This is your chance to explore a bit of hidden London and have a poke around some of London’s best buildings.

Click the following link to download our Open House information sheet:
History of Lewisham Arthouse

Open 10am – 5pm

open city

Across the whole of London, there is a the full programme of architectural venues to visit spanning 30 of the capital’s boroughs. Proudly representing the borough of Lewisham the Arthouse will open its doors to welcome in the public.

Free entry
Step-free access

Making Works Returns to Leybridge Estate

Making Works 2016
30th June – 22nd September 2016
(Thursdays and selected Saturdays, dates below)

On the grass @ Leybridge Estate, Lee Green, London SE12

Affinity Sutton, Lee Green Lives Community Centre and Lewisham Arthouse are pleased to announce that free Making Works workshops for young people will be available to Leybridge Estate residents for the third year running this Summer 2016.

Making Works creative workshops are open to all children and young people living at the estate as well as their parents on a drop-in basis. Participate and you could take home a little trophy, such as a spooky toy spider or a colourful flag!

These fun and engaging workshops have been commissioned and funded by the Affinity Sutton Community Fund and Groundwork. They are delivered by qualified artists and art tutors from Lewisham Arthouse, with practical support from the local Lee Green Lives Community Centre.

The project has run twice previously in the Summer’s of 2014 and 2015. In those past two years, children made fantastic and outrageous houses and castles; their own space ships; speedy go-cards; pyramids and much more, whilst learning how to use power tools along the way. All materials such as wood, colourful tapes, DIY tools, paper and paint are provided.

Lead artist and workshop tutor Laura X Carle says that it has been truly amazing to see the children enjoying themselves so much whilst learning practical and transferable skills for life when taking part in the creative activities. ‘They learn to share, to collaborate, to make practical decisions together, for instance when they build a house there is so much teamwork going on’. Laura and her team are looking forward to working with children who participated before as much as they are welcoming new participants.

Parents are welcome to join for a complete session or just a part of it. Children under 4 years must be accompanied by an adult throughout the whole workshop. Parents have commented on how much they enjoyed taking part together with their little ones. Rebecca, Isaac’s mum, said ‘it gets the children outside, getting creative and making together’. Dan, Natan’s Dad, commented ‘it was such a great idea to get the kids and adults outside, working together and having fun’.

For further enquiries about the workshops, please contact Adila Rose on 020 8285 4165 or Laura X Carle on 07789 362 069.

Workshop Dates:
Thursday 30th June 2016, 4.30-6.30
Thursday 7th July 2016, 4.30-6.30
Thursday 21st July 2016, 4.30-6.30
Saturday 30th July 2016, 3.30-5.30
Saturday 6th August 2016, 3.30-5.30
Thursday 11th August 2016, 4.30-6.30
Thursday 18th August 2016, 4.30-6.30
Thursday 25th August 2016, 4.30-6.30
Thursday 15th September 2016, 4.30-6.30
Thursday 22nd September 2016, 4.30-6.30
Visit to Tate Modern, Date TBC

Twitter: @makingworks
Tumblr: makingworks.tumblr.com

Lark In The Park

Lark In The Park
Saturday 18th June 2016, 12-4pm

Mayow Park, Mayow Road, Sydenham, London SE26 4SS

Join Lewisham Arthouse artists Laura X Carlé and James Mackness at Lark in the Park this weekend. Laura and James will be representing Lewisham Arthouse and running the fantastic workshop Placard Factory, where children are invited to design and paint a placard and make a protest.
Laura works primarily with sculpture. The themes of her work come from situations that she witnesses in the social space. She produces objects and installations that aspire to challenge the spectator to question their own perceptions.

Courses and Workshops

2 Courses and workshops
September 2015 – July 2016

Don’t miss your opportunity to take advantage of the courses and workshops starting this month. Courses are aimed at a range of age groups and levels of ability.

These include classes in Ceramics, Printmaking and Photography. Our Life Drawing Class is amongst the most affordable in London. Check out our Joining In page for more info.

Lewisham People’s Day


Saturday 11th July 2015

Make a Racquet

On a very sunny day in July our Studio Members had a wonderful day making racquets with visitors to Lewisham Peoples day.

Families were invited to design their own racquet shape and decorate their creations using a variety of materials. They also had an opportunity to play with them to.


[toggle]Image credit Amanda Francis[/toggle]

Kindly supported by London Borough of Lewisham

Making Works Leybridge Estate: Reloaded

15th July – 7th October 2014

After last year’s success we were invited back to Leybridge Estate. We’ve had a great time making all manner of wonderful constructions with the kids this summer.

They’ve become confident builders, using simple construction materials and methods. Each group was encouraged to explore form, line and colour. They were given two hours to design, build and dismantle their creations. Structures varied from imaginary dwellings to abstract sculpture…

1a Making works 2

[toggle]Image credits Laura X Carlé[/toggle]

To see more of their work visit www.makingworks.tumblr.com

Kindly supported by Affinity Sutton