Flower power still going

14th July 2018 2-4pm

FLOWER POWER is a series of free art events throughout the summer, brought to you by Lewisham Arthouse in the Brockley area.
Our first three workshops have already taken place from making fantastic street clay ornaments to wake up Rokeby Road, and for making a mark with the local community to building dens and tunnels animals live in during a free W/e workshop in Luxmore Gardens. In total we already had over one hundred participants of all ages.
The FLOWER POWER project is designed to kick start an on-going process
of art based social engagement and care for our
environment, addressing complex issues surrounding the relationship between
communities and their local environments.

Join our next free drop in event STILL LIFE | Nature Morte – painting: Saturday, 14 July 2 – 4pm in Breakspears Community Gardens located on Breakspears Mews, just off Ashby Rd SE4 1UW for all ages – Children must be accompanied by an adult

Flower Power is kindly supported by Brockley Assembly, conceived and curated by Arthouse members, Alma Tischlerwood and Heather Steed .