29th May – 9th June 2013
An exhibition of work by members of s-a-l
Take It or Leave It is a mixed media exhibition by the London based collective s-a-l (Spanish Artists in London). The show explores and celebrates the artistic response to changing cultural context and identity. s-a-l aims to promote and exchange experiences with other contemporary art groups and create awareness and interest in Spanish culture.Using various mediums the artists examine their idiosyncrasies and responses to their own personal identities. The exhibition encompasses installation, sculpture, painting, photography and music; featuring: Maria Alverez, Trndad Ball, Marisol Cavia, Loli Cardenoso, Slvia Ramona Estevez, Manuel Noguera, Natalia Rivero.
Event: Friday 31 May kicking off from 6pm as part of SLAM Last Fridays.
Playing live SLEEPLESS KIDS CLUB – indie/folk band from Madrid.
Free Entry.